Hannah Hartnett 

BSc (Hons), MSc, BDA, HCPC

About Me

Hannah is a dedicated and passionate dietitian with extensive experience in both adult and pediatric nutrition. She had a successful career at Homerton University Hospital, where she worked in areas such as gastroenterology, surgery, and critical care. She then became a pediatric dietitian, working with complex nutritional needs, challenging eating behaviours, allergies, weight management, and providing education for medical staff and families. Hannah presently works part-time with the NHS and offers private consultations for adult and pediatric patients.

Hannah is recognised for her dedication to evidence-based care and keen interest in quality improvement projects. Her commitment to continuous professional development is evident in her specialised training in pediatric nutrition and the low FODMAP diet. She also pursues advanced training, such as the Diagnosing and Management of ARFID course with Winchester University and her Master's in Sport and Exercise Nutrition.

Hannah understands her clients' busy schedules and diverse needs, so she offers the convenience of online consultations. This provides flexibility and ensures that her clients can access her services from the comfort of their homes. Don't hesitate to contact Hannah today to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call!

IBS and the Low FODMAP diet

Selective Eating 

Early Years Nutrition

Child and Adolescent Nutrition

Sport and Performance Nutrition


Malnutrition (including over or undernutrition)

And more!